The glory of racism


on a planet that naturally separated and floated its gods according to their faces

in a society where we grow up hating and worshiping skin colors and races

i choose to fall short of the glory of racism.

why black and white exist, except it be the sheds of truth

i can not explain, for they are not words of my mother’s language

and now that i can speak in more than one tongue

i have fallen short of the glory of racism

having been uprooted from the fairest of black wombs

i have grown to know the purest of hearts

and having been planted as one into a heart of a man with skin white as milk

i am falling short of the glory of racism.

what the eye sees and what the ear hears, the mind will want to judge

and out of fear of inferiority or equality a greedy heart will mock

but a strong one knows that wickedness and righteousness know no race

but now that i have fallen short of the wicked glory of racism,

i can raise my white flag at the call of love.